The framework for evaluation of crater detection algorithms has been developed to help scientists from around the world to test and compare new crater detection algorithms.
Using the framework
The data incuded in the framework can be used, free of charge, for research and educational purposes. Copy, redistribution, and any unauthorized commericial use is prohibited. Any researcher reporting results that use the framework must acknowledge the framework by providing a link to this page. In addition, we would like to hear about any publications that use the framework. The person to contact for futher information is Dr. Goran Salamunićcar.
How to download
Due to the large size (about 30 GB) the framework is available using BitTorrent protocol by the torrent file that is accessible in the repository below. Please be patient in downloading the framework as it is currently seeded by a single server at University of Zagreb. Additional servers may be available depending on the current number of seeders.